🔬 BINA 2024 Community Congress, Sept 23-27 🦡

Save the Date!

Early Career

Working Group
The turtle shell - Frederic Bonnet

The Early Career Group of Bioimaging North America is committed to empowering students (undergraduate and graduate), postdocs, recent graduates, and emerging professionals to excel in their careers within the bioimaging sector.

Our goals are:

  • Provide curated guides and resources that cover essential topics such as mentorship, graduate school, and job market navigation.
  • Foster a robust and inclusive network of early-career individuals from diverse backgrounds.
  • Serve as a catalyst for both professional and personal development, thereby contributing to the broader advancement of the bioimaging community.


BINA Community Conversation – Early Career – November 2023

On November 8, 2023, the Early Career Group hosted a Community Conversation, and the resources shared at the event are linked in the title of this card and here.